Business meeting with engaged team

The differences between generations—their values and their approaches to their lives and careers—continue to be a topic of interest for leaders. The concept of generational tenets is the focus of Principle #6 in my book Work That Works entitled, Let Your People Live to Work, Not Work to Live: A Job Is More Than the Time Between Vacations.

When the Emergenetics® Profile is utilized at an organization, we emphasize the importance of flexing, or working outside of your own preferences, to meet the needs of coworkers and employees. In the same way, having an awareness of generational tendencies can heighten your self-awareness and better position you to support the needs of your employees.

As we dive into this month’s Motivation Monday series, I invite you to consider how your generational values may impact your work and those around you. I encourage you to set aside some time this week to reflect on these four questions:

  1. What values do you share with your generation? As a reference, I’ve included a brief summary of the cohorts below, and you may click here to learn more about common generational approaches to work.Table of four generations, their birth dates and workplace tendencies
  2. What tendencies from other generations resonate with you?
  3. How might your generational values shape the way you show up at work?
  4. How do they impact the way you relate to others and your expectations of your employees?

There are many factors that may influence how an individual goes about their daily work, such as their Thinking and Behavioral Attributes, cultural background or family dynamics. Generational differences offer another piece to this puzzle.

Remember that not everyone fits into a box based on when they were born. However, understanding that there are differences in the way we view our jobs can help you recognize the varying generational perspectives, reflect on your own tendencies and consider how best to support your team members.

For more tips on how to apply the principles in Work That Works, please fill out the form below to connect with our team. The book is available for purchase on

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