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Know Your Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

Understanding your personal strengths and weaknesses, both in business and in life, can have a major impact on whether or not you are successful in attaining your goals.

Emergenetics is based upon this idea—we employ a scientific and data-driven process to take the complex workings of your brain and put them into a framework of self-awareness and understanding, as well as a window for others to see where your natural tendencies and preferences lie (and to see what may not come as naturally to you).

For any organization, it comes down to maximizing output—whether in widgets or people—and to do this successfully requires maximizing the full spectrum of people’s genetic predispositions and the environment around them. This hits at key performance drivers, all of which are related to employee understanding:

  1. Understanding personal strengths and challenges.
  2. Capitalizing on unique, inherent strengths.
  3. Minimizing challenge areas and looking for solutions to overcome them.
  4. Getting out of the comfort zone of strengths and into a change-ready atmosphere dominated by understanding and action.

Just employing the first will improve performance, but creating a mentality to face challenge areas creates new individual and organizational skill sets.

Practically, it means looking at an Emergenetics Profile [1] differently, not merely asking “what am I suited for?,” but rather, “how can I utilize preferences to attack and minimize challenge areas?” This is harder, of course; getting out of one’s comfort zone [2] is never easy, and these issues are often aggravated by pressure to perform and reach organizational goals.

This article by renowned business author John Kotter [3] speaks on the importance for businesses, particularly for their leadership, to step out of their comfort zones, to be adaptable to change and to view organizational challenges and possible solutions in more innovative ways.

On a personal level, if the comfort zone encompasses certain thinking and behavioral preferences and patterns, stepping outside that zone means bringing in those ways of thinking that are a bit foreign, a bit outside the go-to mentality.

The real question for employees or leaders then becomes how, as in, “How am I supposed to become better at the things that do not come naturally to me?”

It may very well begin with exposure to those who think differently. Since organizations function through teamwork, this is one of many benefits to creating groups that have diverse thinking and behavioral styles represented in their members.

Simply being around those who think differently from you, however, is not enough to create real and lasting growth. The only way to do this is to recognize what you can improve on and begin to force yourself to think about and handle things in ways outside of your natural inclination. And this approach can and should span the entire spectrum of thinking preferences and behavioral tendencies.

Here are some tips to break out of your comfort zone:

While tips like these may not turn your challenges into bona fide strengths, they can help you adapt and grow in unfamiliar situations. It is a good start to getting out of your comfort zone, but there are ideas and tactics to be added all the time.